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ISO 9001 QMS


Free ISO 9001-2015 Templates.

Download free templates, formats, checklists, checklists and resources that will help you implement or improve your Quality Management System based on the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

What is the ISO 9001 standard?

It is an international standard that establishes the requirements for a quality management system (QMS). A QMS is a set of processes and procedures that help an organization meet the requirements of its customers, processes and products.

It is important to understand that in its very essence it seeks for organizations to standardize their processes to offer the final consumer the product or service with the specifications they require, understanding that to achieve this they participate from maintenance, general services, quality assurance, information technology. , administration, among others. and therefore each of these processes are involved and have a percentage of participation in the company’s certification.

What is the ISO 9001 standard for?

It is a document that helps organizations improve the quality of their products and services, increase customer satisfaction and reduce risks. Achieving it through its writing and extensive methodology. This document establishes the MUST to comply with the guidelines, the organization that wishes to implement it establishes HOW it executes it. This is why this document is known for being generic, allowing it to be applicable to any organization. Service, manufacturing, sales, etc.

Our templates are generic applicable to any organization.

Where I can buy?

The standard is issued by the ISO . You can get this document here .

How is the standard structured?

This chapter aims to help the organization understand its context, including the requirements of its customers, stakeholders, and other external and internal factors.

This chapter establishes that the organization’s top management establishes commitment to the quality management system and provides the leadership and support necessary for its success

This chapter requires the organization to establish objectives and processes to meet applicable requirements and to improve its performance.

This chapter requires the organization to provide the resources, infrastructure and personnel necessary for the effective operation of the quality management system.

This chapter directs the organization to plan, control, and perform the processes necessary to provide products and services that meet requirements.

EThis chapter requires the organization to monitor, measure, analyze and evaluate the performance of the quality management system.

This chapter requires the organization to implement actions to continually improve the quality management system.

What is ISO 9001 version 2015 certification?

Certification is a voluntary process carried out to demonstrate that an organization meets the requirements of the standard. Certification is granted by an independent certification body.

How to implement ISO 9001 version 2015?

Implementation is a process that requires a commitment from top management and the participation of all employees. The process can be divided into the following steps:

  • The first step is to plan the implementation. This includes:
    • Understand the requirements of the standard.
    • Determine the scope of the quality management system.
    • Establish an implementation plan.
  • The second step is execution, that is, executing the implementation plan. This includes:
    • Create a quality manual.
    • Document the processes of the quality management system.
    • Implement the quality management system processes.
  • The third step is to verify the quality management system. This includes:
    • Conduct internal audits.
    • Review quality management system records.
    • Conduct customer satisfaction surveys.
  • The fourth step is to act to improve the quality management system. This includes:
    • Implement corrective and preventive actions.
    • Review the implementation plan.

What is the latest version of ISO 9001?

The latest version of the standard is version 2015. This version was published in September 2015 and replaces ISO 9001:2008. In compliance with the procedure of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), a periodic review of ISO standards must be carried out, in order to ensure that the standards continue to meet the requirements of the industry and organization. On this occasion, the Strategic Planning and Operations Working Group (SPOTG) of ISO/TC 176/SC2 was in charge of carrying out the review. Agreeing on May 3, 2021 through voting that the rule does not present changes.

What are the benefits of ISO 9001 certification?

They are numerous, both for organizations and their clients. Some of the main benefits include:

  • Improving customer satisfaction:  Certification demonstrates that an organization is committed to customer satisfaction. This can lead to greater customer satisfaction, which can translate into greater loyalty and sales.
  • Increased efficiency:  Certification can help organizations improve their processes and reduce waste. This can lead to greater efficiency and profitability.
  • Risk reduction:  Certification can help organizations identify and manage risks that may affect their performance. This can lead to greater security and reliability.
  • Improving the company’s image:  Certification can be a competitive advantage for organizations. This can lead to greater trust from customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.

What organization can be certified with ISO 9001?

The standard is applicable to any organization, regardless of its size, type or sector. The standard is designed to help organizations improve their performance, increase their customer satisfaction and reduce their risks.

Some of the organizations that can be certified are:

  • Manufacturing companies
  • Service companies:
  • Government
  • Non profit
  • Health
  • Construction
  • Transport

How do I get certified with the ISO 9001 standard?

The certification process consists of the following stages:

  1. Certification request: The organization requests certification from a certification body. This varies by country. I recommend you contact us before thinking about implementing.
  2. Certification audit: An independent auditor audits the organization to verify that it meets the requirements of the standard.
  3. Certificate issuance: If the organization meets the requirements of the standard, the certification body issues a certificate.

Although, to achieve this it is recommended: train staff to empower them, seek advice from an external consultancy, if you wish, and apply a diagnostic audit to mitigate any deviation.

The certificate is valid for a period of three years. To maintain certification, the organization must undergo follow-up audits each year.

How much time and money will it cost to certify my company with ISO 9001?

The time and cost of certification will vary depending on the size and complexity of your company. However, in general, you can expect certification to take between 6 and 12 months and cost between 5,000 and 20,000 euros/dollars.

¿How can I maintain my ISO 9001 certification?

After your company is certified, you will need to undergo follow-up audits every 3 years to maintain your certification. These audits will be performed to ensure that your company remains in compliance.

What do I do if my company does not meet the requirements of ISO 9001?

If your company does not meet all the requirements, the certification body will provide you with a list of corrective actions you must take to comply with the standard. Once you have implemented corrective actions, you can reapply for certification.

What happens if my company loses its ISO 9001 certification?

If your company loses its certification, you will need to re-implement the standard’s requirements to become certified again.


Who created ISO 9001?

It was created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The ISO is an international organization that develops standards for a wide range of products, services and processes.

Who applies ISO 9001?

It can be applied by any organization, regardless of its size, sector or location.

When was ISO 9001 created?

It was first published in 1987. The standard has been revised several times since then, most recently in 2015.


The number «9001» indicates that it is the first standard in the ISO 9000 series. The acronym ISO corresponds to » International Organization for Standardization » or «International Organization for Standardization.» It is a body whose main function is to create international standards.

When is ISO 9001 updated?

It is reviewed every 3 to 5 years. The review is carried out to ensure that the standard remains relevant and effective.

Why is ISO 9001 revised?

It is reviewed to ensure it remains relevant and effective. The review is carried out taking into account changes in business and technological environments.

Why is ISO 9001 important?

It is important for organizations because it can help them:

  • Improve the quality of your products and services.
  • Increase customer satisfaction.
  • Reduce risks.
  • Improve the eficiency.
  • Gain a competitive advantage.

Where to study ISO 9001?

There are many options available to study. You can find courses and training programs provided by universities, colleges, vocational training centers, and private organizations.

Universities and colleges

Many universities and colleges offer courses as part of their quality management programs. These courses are usually more complete and offer a deeper insight into the standard.

Vocational training centers

Vocational training centers offer more specialized courses. These courses are usually aimed at people who want to become certified as auditors or consultants.

Private organizations

Private organizations offer courses and training programs. These courses are usually more flexible and can be adapted to the specific needs of the participants. We always recommend bureauveritas , Fondonorma .

Online courses

Online courses are also available. These courses are a good option for people who want to study at their own pace.

How to choose an ISO 9001 course

When choosing a course, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • The level of experience:  If you are new, look for a course that is suitable for beginners. If you already have experience, look for a course that offers an appropriate level of depth for your needs.
  • The Approach:  Some courses focus on theory, while others focus on practice. Choose a course that suits your learning style.
  • Accreditation:  Some courses are accredited by recognized organizations. Accreditation can be a sign of course quality.

Any ideas

Quality of service and product today is a necessity.

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Certified companies

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Companies seeking to improve

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It is important that you know this


Patricia Muller

Quality Analyst

“ Thanks to these templates I can understand many things, it is not as difficult as I thought .”


Carlos Perez

Head of Quality Assurance.

“What really draws my attention is when it emphasizes processes such as maintenance, general services and other processes. I think it’s great».


Juan Fonseca

QMS Specialist

“Thank you, new proposals! Changes, what we like.”

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